Dr. Dan Shaffer
Dr. Dan Shaffer


He utilises digital technology to enable high quality, efficient restorative techniques to take place in a workflow that makes practical sense. He manufactures the vast majority of dental restorations in-house and also runs a full service dental laboratory.

Being a registered technician as well as a practising dentist gives Dan a unique insight into technically demanding cases both from the laboratory and clinical points of view.

Over the past decade he has been training dentists and other professionals on behalf of Dental Protection Ltd, delivering countless workshops and in-house training programmes in the UK and abroad. Subjects include Medicolegal risk, Management of adverse outcomes, Difficult interactions in dental practice, Consent/ Shared decision making and Clinical record keeping. He is passionate about encouraging the safer practising of dentistry in the UK.

Dan is also a trainer for hospital teams and health care professionals within hospital environments. He lectures and trains on behalf of the charity SANDS on subjects including Improving bereavement care, Informed consent, Healthcare choices, Adverse outcomes and Fatal incident recovery. He is also involved with maintaining support groups for bereaved parents.

He has a wealth of experience in NHS, private and community based dentistry. He taught as a clinical teacher at Guy's hospital, London in the Prosthodontics department for six years. He is a registered external professional advisor to the Health Service Ombudsman and is a keen advocate for entrepreneurship and innovation in medical fields.

Dan believes that dental care in its modern form is most certainly team care. He encourages all members of the team to gain valuable skills within their scope of practice to enable them to reach their full professional potentials.